Sword Art Online Hollow Realization Easy Weapon Leveling

Complete guide to upgrading paragon weapons, shields, and armor.

Create Paragon

The first step is to create a paragon weapon, shield, or armor using an enigma order. Paragon orders are unlocked with DLC 1 and are accessed from interacting with the goddess statue in Salvatore Ruins: The Riemanhills.

The Fuse Paragon Enigma Orders require collecting elements and completing a trial using a legendary weapon of the same type as the paragon enigma order in a series of nodes. Each node must be completed prior to applying elements and trials for subsequent nodes. Elements can be collected by either defeating elemental NMs (seen on map with element icon next to ??? level) or by finding elements on the ground (shown as leaf icon on minimap location randomly set each time you reenter map although same element per map until collected, and elements within a larger map area can be revealed by asking the goddess statue). If the element needed for the paragon order is not available, clearing out undesired elements and resting at the inn a few times will spawn new elements. Otherwise, spending 10 skill points at the goddess statues can change all the elements to new elements in different locations. Note that skill points are an unlimited resource as they are rewarded for every miniboss in DLC 3.

T3 Legendary
The final paragon weapon/shield order trial involves defeating a specific episode HNM five times while having the T3 legendary item equipped corresponding to that paragon order. T3 legendary items can be crafted by taking a base item through numerous transformations using legendary ingredients, which can be provided for free (no need to farm them) from Mask the Blacksmith once DLC 2 is unlocked. Furthermore, if you use Basara (usually in hotel inn) as your blacksmith (requires friendship level 2) then he has a high chance (around 90%) to recycle the materials such that they are not consumed, which means you will never have to farm the legendary materials. To use this strategy, just check to see if the materials were consumed after each transformation. If they were recycled (not consumed) then move to another map area to save game. If they were not recycled, then force close game without saving and reload to try again.

Legendary Base Item Locations:
1-Hand: Final Espada
> NM Legendary Fencer in Ostrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Barracks
Rapier: Prima Sabre
> NM Beetle Queen in Ostrum Bastion: Flail
Scimitar: Moonstruck Saber
> NM The Slime Twins in Ostrum Bastion: Cordia
Dagger: Hated Razor
> NM The Blade of Destiny in Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Sage Hall
Club: Lunatic Press
> NM Perpetual War Machine in Oltrum Bastion: Medius
Katana: Matamon the Bone-Eater
> Chest Reward after Completing All Events in Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Sage Hall

2-Hand: Matter Dissolver
> NM Sanctuary Soul in Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Lift
Axe: Bardiche
> Chest Reward after Completing All Events in Oltrum Bastion: Flail
Spear: Heart Piercer
> Chest Reward after Completing All Events in Oltrum Bastion: Cordia
> NW event only spawns in the rain, which can sometimes be triggered by warping to Cordia from within Cordia
Shield: Adamant Shell
> NM Alpha Behemoth in Vulcanus Citadel: Arcopovale Ruins

T3 Legendary Weapon Transformation Pathway:
(1) Aetherial Ore x1
(2) The Murmerstone x50
(3) Insectoid Gold Wings x50 (Saurian Dragonscale -> T1 path)
(4) Adamantine Ore x10
(5) Luxuian Ore x30
(6) Blackguards Amethyst x100 (Dark Cystal -> T2 path)
(7) Demonic Remains x10
(8) Saurian Dragonjaw x20
(9) Crystal of Light x10
(10) Tainted Crystal x30
(11) Dark Crystal x10

T3 Legendary Shield Transformation Pathway:
(1) Aetherial Ore x1
(2) The Murmerstone x50
(3) Demonic Remains x10
(4) Tainted Crystal x30
(5) Dark Crystal x10

HNM Farming
The specific HNM that is required for the last trial of the paragon order is not always available to complete. Some episodes have a real world timer. Recommend checking back on the location every hour or so to see if it has spawned. When it has spawned, switch immediately to Multiplayer Solo mode so that the episode will not go away every time you complete it. In Multiplayer Solo, you can repeat the episode as many times as you want within the time that the episode is active. Other episodes require completing all the events in that area to spawn the HNM.

HNM Locations:
1-Hand: T3 Tyrfing -> Ethereal Heart Paragon
> History Repeating in Vulcanus Citadel: Magmatite Research Site
Rapier: T3 Hexagramme -> Nova Flash Paragon
> The Colossal in Vulcanus Citadel: Gardens of Calamity
Shield: T3 Stanachia -> Herald's Arc Paragon
> It Came from Beyond in Vulcanus Citadel: Asham Extractor
Dagger: T3 The Iron Maiden -> Code of Laws Paragon
> Heat Miser in Vulcanus Citadel: Bardette City
Club: T3 Mjölnir -> Gaia Seeker Paragon
> Hidden Menace in Vulcanus Citadel: Blazerock Fortress
Katana: T3 Masamune -> Ame-no-murakumo Paragon
> Deathbearer in Vulcanus Citadel: Kikoth Excavation
2-Hand: T3 Ascalon -> Valhalla's Fury Paragon
> The Defiled Blade in Vulcanus Citadel: Acropovale Ruins
Axe: T3 Ouroboros -> Baneaxe Paragon
> The Trespasser in Vulcanus Citadel: The Blazing Corridor
Spear: T3 Caladbolg -> Lumina Paragon
> Ensorcelled Evil in Vulcanus Citadel: Blazerock Outer Wall
Shield: T3 Destiny's Defender -> The Ordained Paragon
> The Immortal One in Vulcanus Citadel: Clastdale Caves

Paragon Armor
Unlike Paragon Weapons/Shield, Paragon Armor requires neither a legendary armor catalyst nor a specific episode HNM. Instead, the Enigma Order for Paragon Armor requires an Elion Gem for each node requiring four in total. Elion Gems are dropped with a fairly high drop rate from the three robot HNMs in The Elionward Domain which are unlocked after completing most of DLC 2 Chapter 2 once you have the ability to unlock the blocked entrances to the teleports to the three areas with those HNMs: HNM Alpha Titan in Dasteid Temple, HNM Omega Extreme in Ishtona Desert Palace, and HNM Valorous Genome Machine Legend in Voastar Fortress. Again, the fastest method is likely to farm the one that is easiest to defeat in Solo Multiplayer. If you are missing any of them, then you can force all of them to respawn again by defeating the remaining ones. In other words, once all three are defeated then they all respawn right away.

Adjust Base Stats (must be done before any type of enhancement)

There are two main methods of increasing the base stats of paragon weapons/shields (does not apply to armor):

A. Repeat Enigma Order to Create Full Power Paragon
Repeating the same enigma order order used to create the paragon except picking the node that requires equipping the paragon to complete. For shield, adds an extra HP stat as well as gives a random boost to existing stats. For weapons, gives random boost to stats. Since this order is much easier to complete than numerous awakenings to reach the base stat cap, this method can save a significant amount of time if you get a good roll of stat increases. This random boost to existing stats is seeded to the current status of you enigma orders, which means you can change it by making progress towards a node for a different order. If you don't like the random boost (does not save you any awakenings), then you can close the game, reopen game, make progress towards a different order and then retry completing the enigma order to see if you get better stats. The max stats along with required awakenings if the repeat enigma order is not completed are shown in the next section.

Note: This will remove any prior enhancements, auras, sacraments, and oracle boosts as it is using the weapon as a catalyst to make a different one with higher stats consuming the catalyst in the process.

B. Paragon Awakenings

Important: This step cannot be performed if the paragon has undergone any form of enhancement such as blacksmith upgrade or aura.

The awaken paragon order gives a set increase in the base stats up to the base stat cap adding to whatever base stat bonus was given by the repeat enigma order above. This paragon order can be one of the more time consuming ones mostly due to the 2nd step (40x 4x multipliers). The first step is easily completed when defeating a single high level boss (30k+ dmg to Lv 150+ enemies 100 times). The second step will usually take at least 20 minutes even if using a fairly efficient method such as quick chained sword skills timed after boss attack and using Lord of Flame in SW Vulcanus Citadel running out of boss room when boss HP gets low to quickly reset boss HP. The third step can be quickly done with a single boss fight by getting 10x 18-SSC on a boss. And the fourth step can be quickly done by going to Voastar Fortress in Elionward Dominion on Nightmare Multiplayer Solo where all the regular skeletons are high level and easy to kill 50x of them in a short run around the map. Each awakening adds +5 to STR / AGI / DEX / VIT / SP and +500 HP if the item has those base stats.

Max Base Stats with Number of Awakening Required to Reach Cap if no Repeat Order Performed
1-Hand: Power Up Parameters: STR / AGI / SP
– Base: SP +150 / STR +100 / AGI +100
– 6x to cap: SP +180 / STR +110 / AGI +115
Rapier: Power Up Parameters: STR / VIT / AGI
– Base: STR +100 / VIT +100 / AGI +100
– 2x to cap: STR +110 / VIT +110 / AGI +110
Scimitar: Power Up Parameters: DEX / AGI / HP
– Base: HP +13500 / DEX +100 / AGI +115
– 3x to cap: HP +15000 / DEX +110 / AGI +125
Dagger: Power Up Parameters: STR / DEX / HP
– Base: HP +13500 / STR +100 / DEX +100
– 3x to cap: HP +15000 / STR +110 / DEX +110
Club: Power Up Parameters: VIT / AGI / SP
– Base: SP +135 / VIT +110 / AGI +100
– 3x to cap: SP +150 / VIT +120 / AGI +110
Katana: Power Up Parameters: STR / VIT / DEX
– Base: STR +100 / VIT +100 / DEX +100
– 2x to cap: STR +110 / VIT +110 / DEX +110
2-Hand: Power Up Parameters: STR / VIT / DEX
– Base: STR +100 / VIT +100 / DEX +100
– 2x to cap: STR +110 / VIT +110 / DEX +110
Axe: Power Up Parameters: DEX / AGI / SP
– Base: SP +135 / DEX +115 / AGI +100
– 3x to cap: SP +150 / DEX +125 / AGI +110
Spear: Power Up Parameters: DEX / AGI / SP
– Base: SP +135 / DEX +115 / AGI +100
– 3x to cap: SP +150 / DEX +125 / AGI +110
Shield: Power Up Parameters: VIT / AGI / HP
– Base: (no HP stat) / VIT +110 / AGI +100
– Repeat Enigma Order for Full Power Paragon to unlock HP stat (random stat in between 6000-10000 HP)
– 8x to cap: HP +10000 / VIT +120 / AGI +110


Base Shield:

After 1x Awakening (no repeat fusion):

After Repeat Fusion (no awakenings):

After Repeat Fusion + 1x Awakening:

After Alternate Repeat Fusion (no awakenings; rerolled until a better base stat repeat fusion):

After Combination of Repeat Fusion + Awakenings to reach Max Base Stats:

Add Aura

Note: This section and the following sections can be completed in any order.

The True Enigma Orders give the paragon weapon/shield an aura which grants either a passive ability (shield) or an active ability (weapon) as well as a unique glow visual effect when using the item. The shield passive ability gives +100% to all max stats. The weapon passive ability gives +200 Max Attack and +100 Attack as an area effect for 18 minutes. This Enigma Order requires equipping the Paragon Weapon/Shield and beating all three robot HNMs which happen to be the same ones that drop Elion Gems for Paragon Armor Fusion mentioned in Section 1: HNM Alpha Titan in Dasteid Temple, HNM Omega Extreme in Ishtona Desert Palace, and HNM Valorous Genome Machine Legend in Voastar Fortress. As mention before if you are missing any of them, then you can force all of them to respawn again by defeating the remaining ones; once all three are defeated then they all respawn right away.


Blacksmith Enhance to +9

Use blacksmith of your choice to enhance item to +9. The best blacksmith for enhancing is Lisbeth due to the high success rate of master crafts (gives max enhancement stats), although any blacksmith can get the job done. Recommend watching for the colorful sparkles around the success icon, which means a master craft was performed (max enhancement possible at that level). You can save by moving to a new area after each successful master craft. If you do not get a master craft, then recommend closing game without saving and trying again until you get master craft for every single enhancement step up to +9.


Add Sacrament Stones

Sacrament Stones are unlocked with DLC 1 and can be placed into certain items (weapons, shield, head piece, armor, and boots) with two stones per item after completing the first update 2 sacrament invasion (Karmic Variance Zone), which unlocks the blacksmith tool. The sacrament stones each provide two stats and one extra. The stats can range from +1 / +1 to +15 / +8. Two handed weapons give 3x stats from the stones (not the extra). The extra has about a 10% chance of dropping. Each sacrament invasion is associated with a specific stone, which allows for farming a desired stone type by farming a specific sacrament invasion. Note that to farm the stones it is best to rush straight to the boss and ignore the NPC defense areas.

Stone Locations:
Pure Blue Crystal: STR / VIT / CRT +5
> Rustoria Plains: Fuldum Trail: Update 1 (U1) Shifting Path of Myrtel
Pure Green Crystal: VIT / DEX / Movement Speed +3%
> Rustoria Plains: Mimariana Pass: U1 Sodom's Gaol
Pure Red Crystal: STR / AGI / Max HP +10%
> Oldrobe Forest: Grillium Forest: U1 Litlefoot Forest Maze
Pure White Crystal: DEX / AGI / Recast Time -3%
> Oldrobe Forest: Kark: U1 Chateau Moreas Ruins
Pure Orange Crystal: STR / DEX / Jump ATK +50%
> Jeweled Peaks Lakes: Marcieville Water Caves: U1 Gorah Mahazaroh Crags
Pure Purple Crystal: VIT / AGI / Max SP +15
> Jeweled Peaks Lakes: Cranvede Path: U1 Mezul: Corrupted Wastes
Pure Black Crystal: STR / AGI / Dash ATK +10%
> Kurjiez Desert: Gebuerno: U1 Ruins of Castle Vassa
Pure Grey Crystal: VIT / DEX / Parry Time +10%
> Oltrum Bastion: Illial Temple: Lift: U1 Oltrum Abbey: Cloister
Ancient Onyx: STR / AGI / SP Based ATK Up +5%
> Jeweled Peaks Lakes: One Fall Cataract: U2 Karmic Variance Zone
Ancient Emerald: VIT / DEX / Backstab CRT Up +8
> Rustoria Plains: Lake Steschal: U2 Ruined Gates of Lun Puj
Ancient Sapphire: STR / VIT / HP Based ATK +10%
> Rustoria Plains: Sophinastum Gorge: U2 Middark: Infernal Path
Ancient Diamond: DEX / AGI / CRT ATK +20%
> Rustoria Plains: Guban Hill: U2 The Phantom Reach
Ancient Ruby: STR / AGI / Damage Multiplier: +10%
> Oldrobe Forest: Teim Valais Estuary: U2 Poisoned Swamp
Ancient Amethyst: VIT / AGI / HP Recovery +5%
> Oldrobe Forest: Felldart Passage: U2 Prison of the Forgotten
Ancient Citrine: STR / DEX / Attack +5%
> Jeweled Peaks Lakes: Shangil Resevoir: U2 Speagh Callaecia
Ancient Hermatite: VIT / DEX / CRT Resistence: +15%
> Kurjiez Desert: Remetta Excavation: U2 Fury's Cradle
Divine Sapphire: STR / VIT / Defense + 10%
> Oldrobe Forest: Valkyr Weald: U3 Withern Badlands
Divine Emerald: VIT / DEX / CRT Resistence: +18%
> Jeweled Peaks Lake: Tribei Feireese Lake Way: U3 Lake Mistrock
Divine Amethyst: VIT / AGI / Damage Resistence: +5%
> Kurjiez Desert: Alle Fioro: U3 Sweltering Tropics
Star Ruby: STR / AGI / Aggro Based Attack Up +15%
> Kurjiez Desert: Trie Modragal Pass: U3 Shifting Sands of Haz'id
Divine Diamond: DEX / AGI / Attack Speed Up +4%
> Kurjiez Desert: Calt Blanc Way: U3 Baltray Frontier
Divine Hematite: VIT / DEX / Incresed SS Damage + 10%
> Oltrum Bastion: Oltrum Bastion: Cordia: U3 Rogue's Shelter
Divine Onyx : STR / AGI / SP Regen +5 / 5 Sec (+1 SP / sec)
> Oltrum Bastion: Oltrum Bastion: Flail: U3 Lievus Retreat
Divine Citrine: STR / DEX / HP Regen + 20 / 3 Sec (+6.67 HP / sec)
> Oltrum Bastion: Ilial Temple: Lift: U3 Dracovale Temple


Enhance Paragon to +19 (Enigma Orders)

Enigma orders can be used to enhance an item beyond the +9 blacksmith cap, although instead of increasing all of the stats it only increases one of a selection specific for each item. Only a few stats can be upgraded this way. Check by selecting "Confirm Slot" in the Equipment menu and the Power Up Parameters are the ones that you can upgrade. The Power Up Parameters can also be found for all the paragon weapons/shield in the table above in Section 2B. Also note that this can be performed for legendary weapons/shield, armor, and boots as well. For STR / AGI / DEX / VIT, adds +5 (max +50 stat). For HP, adds +500 HP (max +5000 HP). For SP, adds +30 SP (max +300 SP).

Armor Enhanced with 10x STR Enhancements (+5 STR each for total of +50 STR):

That's everything we are sharing today for this Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization guide. This guide was originally created and written by Meissner_Effect. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.

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Source: https://livesteven.dailyview.tw/sword-art-online-hollow-realization-complete-paragon-guide-44436/

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